Are Good Things Crowding Out THE BEST?

Written by Martha on March 5th, 2010

“But, this is still good.”

Meaning : I can’t part with it while it has utility. I invested money and energy into this.

Sadly, the gaggle of what is only “good” – whether that is information, possessions, intentions, pursuits, or desires – disguises and crowds out THE BEST until we can’t distinguish what THE BEST is anymore.

Does that statement sound too philosophical to be practical? Think about clothing in your closet or dresser as an example. How many are clothes you used to love that either don’t fit, are too ragged/faded from use, need alterations or repair, or are simply out of style? Odds are you will never wear them again, but they are “too good to give/throw away!”

When you look for something to wear, those leftovers are in the way, confusing your choices and slowing you down. What if you kept only the clothes that you wear constantly and make you feel great about yourself? You could shop your closet much more effectively and be more confident in your appearance every day.

Credit: Supagroova/flickr

Credit: Supagroova/flickr

Now think of that area in your life that is bugging you and seems overwhelming. In the same way, is there physical or mental clutter that is blocking your progress and success? These questions may help clarify your thinking:

What represents THE BEST for you in this area? Hint: What do you want to see in 10 years?

What things and attitudes do not support THE BEST for you? Will you have the courage to let go?

What three actions can you take to pursue THE BEST? Pick one. Start doing that today.

Is there someone who has experience in this area from whom you can learn? Don’t think you have to do it all yourself. Surround yourself with a supportive team. Trade time with a friend who can help you with something you aren’t good at and vice versa. Call in an expert to get you started.

Don’t let what is good rob you of THE BEST!

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