There’s one thing on this earth that will never change: everything is changing.
Some change is really good. The leaves’ changing to beautiful colors signals a drop in temperature that is always refreshing after the heat of summer.
Seeing children grow out of those annoying phases into respectful and caring people is a wonderful change to witness.

Then there are changes that suck all your energy and make you wonder if there is any hope for a return to normal (whatever normal is… Patsy Clairmont says Normal is a Setting on Your Dryer!)
The American Massage Therapy Association has a computer-scored version of a Life Change Stress Test on their website. This test was was developed by Dr. Thomas H. Holmes and Dr. Richard H. Rahe. Scoring is in LCU’s (Life Change Units) with ranges for low, medium and high stress. Of course, a massage will always help!
By all means, take the test. If you score more than 300 at least you will feel justified in feeling claustrophobic, trapped, and like you are in a tunnel with no light ahead. I’ve been there.
Now look at the things you checked on your list. Is there one you can influence or reverse? Is there a circumstance that a professional can help you with? That might be a doctor, a psychologist, a teacher/tutor, or even a professional organizer. Don’t be a lone ranger, get help!
Maybe the help you need is the listening ear of a friend. Write down a list of your friends and call one per day. Every friend can field one call per week. If not, you need a new friend.
One really good thing about change? Nothing lasts forever. The sun’ll come out tomorrow - Little Orphan Annie. Tomorrow is another day - Scarlet O’Hara. Most of the stress factors listed are short term. You will see light in the tunnel soon. Hangeth thou in there. We are in this change thing together.